Meet Sheraz Ahmad Awan, the Founder and Director of the Sheraz Ahmad Awan Institute

He is an Extra-ordinary individual who Achieved something Truly Exceptional – Being Recommended by ISSB not just Once, but Twice. Such a Remarkable Achievement is as Rare as a Blue Moon in Pakistan.

He first Appeared for ISSB in 2019 for the Pakistan Air Force General Duty Pilot Course and received a Recommendation. Then, in 2021, he underwent another ISSB and secured a Recommendation for the PMA Long Course as well. However, in 2022, he faced a Setback when the Appeal Board at CMH Rawalpindi, headed by General Nigar Johar, declared him Permanently Unfit due to a prior open Abdominal Surgery.

Sheraz Ahmad Awan was Praised by General Nigar Johar as an Exceptional and highly Talented individual. While Sheraz Aspired to Serve his Country by defending it, destiny had something even Bigger in store for him.


Sheraz Ahmad Awan

CEO & Founder

Courses Offered


  • All Classes are Conducted by Ex-ISSB Selectors.
  • Daily Live Classes.
  • Live Interview Preparation.
  • Free Notes in Printed Form.
  • Weekly Test Sessions.
  • Recorded lectures in private Facebook group.
  • Physical Test Training.

Initial test (on-campus)


  • All Classes are Conducted by Ex-ISSB Selectors.
  • Daily Classes on Zoom.
  • Live Interview Preparation.
  • Free Notes in PDF Format.
  • Weekly Test Sessions.
  • Recorded lectures in private Facebook group.
  • Physical test tips (if included) 24/7 Administration support and Many more Facilities.

Initial test (Online)


  • All Classes are Conducted by Ex-ISSB Selectors.
  • Daily Live Classes.
  • Live Interview Preparation.
  • Free Notes in Printed Form.
  • Psych Tests Assessment.
  • GTO Tasks Performance and Evaluation.
  • Daily Individual Obstacles Training Mock.
  • Deputy President’s Interview.
  • Limited Seats Avaliable.



  • All Classes are Conducted by Ex-ISSB Selectors.
  • Daily Classes on Zoom.
  • Live Interview Preparation.
  • Free Notes in PDF Format.
  • GTO Tasks Performance and Evaluation.
  • Psych Tests Assessment
  • Online Tips to Perform Obstacles.
  • Students can come to Academy Physically for 1 week free of cost to perform Physical tasks.

ISSB (Online)

Why Choose Us

With a Mission to Transform the Personalities of Young boys and girls, turning ordinary Youngsters into Uniformed Armed Forces Officers, Sheraz Ahmad Awan took the initiative to establish the Sheraz Ahmad Awan Institute. It's Pakistan's Only Fully Equipped Online and On-Campus Training institute, specializing in initial test, interview, and ISSB Preparation.

Hostel Facilities

There are Separate Hostels for both the Boys and the girls.

Highest selection ratio

Our Selection Ratio is Top in Pakistan, the only thing made us No.1 Academy.

ISSB Expert Instructor

Our Selection Ratio is Top in Pakistan, the only thing made us No.1 Academy.

Individualised Personality Assessment

We Focus on Each Candidate Individually, transform his personality, Assess his Psychological tests and conduct mock interviews.

Our Mentor

Sheraz Ahmad Awan

  • 2 Times ISSB Recommended
  • Mphil English
  • Interview Specialist
  • Motivational Speaker


  • Pso


  • Deputy


  • GTO Selector
  • Body Language Expert
  • Assessed Thousands of Candidates for ISSB


Here Outdoor Task Areas and Obstacle Areas are just like ISSB Center. It helped me alot in ISSB.

Fahad Niazi

I was an introvert boy but this institute has helped me transform my Personality.

Moeez Rehman

I am from Chitral. Online Classes are very effective. I am fortunate to be a Student of this institution.

Zainab Sijjad

No doubt, this institution has the best Panel of Instructors. All Teachers are highly Cooperative.

Ayesha Khan

Alhamdulillah ! I have got Recommendation in PMA Long Course. And the Credit goes to SHERAZ AHMAD AWAN INSTITUTE.

Hassan Ali

I have got Recommendation for GD PILOT. As a Female Candidate it was a Challenging Task but Sheraz Ahmad Awan Institute has helped me to Achieve it.

Rabia Fatima

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